Dress To Impress Codes is a professional online resource dedicated to helping users navigate the often complex world of dress codes with ease. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or someone who finds dress codes perplexing, this website offers clear, practical guidance for all.
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that enforces strict formatting rules to keep your code consistent. This extension allows you to run prettier on save, which is really handy.
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Looking to implement structured data and don't know where to start? Google has excellent docs that explain what kind of structured data you need to provide to get certain types of search results. Bredcrumbs, articles, carousels, courses, reviews, FAQs, products, recipes and more - it's all covered there!
The Brand Gap is the first book to present a unified theory of brand-building. Whereas most books on branding are weighted toward either a strategic or creative approach, this book shows how both ways of thinking can unite to produce a “charismatic brand”―a brand that customers feel is essential to their lives. In an entertaining two-hour read you’ll learn: • the new definition of brand • the five essential disciplines of brand-building • how branding is changing the dynamics of competition • the three most powerful questions to ask about any brand • why collaboration is the key to brand-building • how design determines a customer’s experience • how to test brand concepts quickly and cheaply • the importance of managing brands from the inside • 220-word brand glossary